
Showing posts from July, 2019

Life is good

To some people life is good To some people life is bad The same people who say life is bad later will say life is good The people who say life is good later will say life is bad What then will we say? Life is like a rotating circle Sometimes it rotate and bring good And sometimes it rotate and bring bad Life is fair It is the same life that bring good and bad And what is good in our eyes may be bad in God's eyes And what is bad in our eyes may be good at God sight Man are limited in understanding in as much we are in the flesh Whatever befall you in life Accept it in good fate God knows the best

Life is a journey

If life is a journey , it is certain that not all will get home If life is a journey some will die on the road If life is a journey some will be distracted on the way If life is a journey some will quit on the way If life is a journey some will be exhausted and burn out If life is a journey some will be stopped on the road If life is a journey some will over speed and possibly have accident and get injury If life is a journey it calls for preparation If life is a journey it call for discipline If life is a journey you need to be merciful at others when they fall Don't trample on them when they fall Don't mock them when they fall It could have been you Help others to rise up when they fall So that they can help you rise when you fall to The journey of life is complicated You can not do it on your own successful You need the help of God and the help of man People who thought they can run the journey of life on their own had accident and lost their lives Some were lucky not to die...

Dare to fail

Dare to fail Failure is not the end but an opportunity to start afresh. Dare to fail Failure makes you stronger Dare to fail because failure generate new ideas. Dare to fail Failure gives you inner strength Dare to fail Failure put you ahead of others Dare to fail Failure help you to maximize success Dare to fail Failure is not the end but a tunnel that lead to success Dare to fail Failure builds you Dare to fail Failure is a seed of greatness Dare to fail Failure propel you into victory. Dare to fail Failure will give you testimonies Dare to fail Failure will give you shock absorber to overcome life pressures Dare to fail.

You are not a photocopy

No identical fingerprints, this is an evidence that you have a specific assignment and purpose. Stop copying others, if you know how great your destiny is, you will cry for all the time wasted trying to be someone else Do not die as a photocopy when you are meant to be original.

You win

Everybody wants to win We do all our best to win The truth is that we don't win at all times Sometimes we loose There is a lesson to learn in every loss Every loss in life should push you forward Each loss should make you better Winning mentality is good But learn to accept defeat Failure to accept defeat can break your health down Failure to accept defeat can make you fall backward instead of forward Life is a mixture of winnings and defeats Sometimes you win Sometimes you loose Inability of gamblers to minimize winnings make them eventually loose big time When you win accept it When you loose accept it Winning is not constant Defeat is not constant Only change is constant Your attitude to wins and defeats will eventually tell whether you are a failure or a success in life

Aim for the best

Every thing valuable must be paid for Cheap things do not last Do not short charge yourself by going for quantity instead of quality Quality never goes out of market A good wine needs no Bush Quality speaks for itself Any free thing worthwhile be sure someone pays for it To be the best require a lot of time and energy To be a person of quality that attract people You need to take a great time working on yourself It requires discipline and high level of sacrifice Studying while others are sleeping Saying no to pleasures while others are enjoying Being a person of quality is 99% perspiration and 1% desire To be a person of high value calls for discipline and diligence

Your problem has an ending

For everything on this earth, there is a beginning Whatever befall you has a beginning Everything that has a beginning always have an ending Your sorrow has an ending Your problem has an ending Your challenge has an ending Do not give up Giving up shows you have loose courage and sense of living You will outlive your problem if only you see the problem as a challenge to be overcome Life problems are just a pause and not a stop Problems only become a stop if you allow it to stop you Only those that are courageous, resilient and determine see the end of their problems It's either you end your problems or your problems end you No problem free life Problems are what give us courage and mould us to overcome problem It takes a problem solver to solve a problem Every answer to a problem is in the problem itself End your problem and your problem will not end you Problem you fail to end today become crises for your unborn generations

If wishes are horses

It is often said that if wishes are horses beggars would ride but Wishes are just wishes until you act on it Stop day dreaming Start working on it your plans Dreams only come to reality when you diligently work it out God will not do for you what you alone can do Start doing what you need to do for your wishes and dreams to become a reality Wishes will never become horses and beggars will never ride Start acting out on your wishes today

Your past is dead

Your past is dead It ended last night Stop regretting about the past Wallowing in your past will rob you of the joy of today and stop you from enjoying the future No matter how ugly your past may be It died last night Tell your past that it is gone You have the present to change whatever mess the past have created And the future is there to enjoy Beware of the people that bring out your past to silent you They are devil incarnate Run away from them Past is the tool of the enemy to steal your joy God is not a man that will consult your past before he promote or bless you.

Mistakes of Life

Mistakes are inevitable if you must make progress in life Do not regret your mistakes Mistakes are opportunities to do it better in an another way If you have not made mistakes in life,it's because you have not tried something new The fear of mistakes is stagnation No man get it right one time Their is nothing wrong in making mistakes Making mistakes become wrong when you don't learn from your mistakes In your mistake lies the answer Just like every answer to the equation is in the equation Your success is in correcting your mistakes And your laugh shall come at last

Life is a race

Life is a race We are all running to win But certainly not all will win Running requires discipline and training Some will quit the race Some will fall by the way side Some will get tired Some will be exhausted Some will die on the way Only those that are focused on the finishing line that will make it Many will be distracted by the pleasure of the world Forgetting that a greater imperishable medal lies ahead Don't give up You are almost there Keep running Life is a race you must win Run it with everything in you And you shall be glad you do It is not over until it is over You can't go back again You have gone too far for you to go back When there race gets tough It's only the tough that keeps going Be courageous Loose not your courage And you shall win

You are great

Some are born with greatness Some achieve greatness Some have greatness thrust upon them Greatness can only be defined by you No man can define your greatness To be great is to be satisfied within you that you have emptied yourself to your generation And you are ready to die empty Your greatness is in you discovering your purpose of existence And you are ready to die for it

Do not give up

When it is tough, do not give up When it is hard do not give up Things get tougher and harder when you are almost winning Keep pushing through You are almost there

Dare to fail

Dare to fail Failures are nails used to build lasting success Without failure you can't appreciate success Without failure you can't manage success Failure is the price great men paid to reach the Climax of success If you have not failed it will be difficult for you to be trusted with success Failure is the guarantee that you can manage success Failure and success are the materials that made up great men To dare to be great is to dare to fail

No man is an island

No man is an island You need people to fulfill your dreams Do not use people and dump them The person you dump today can be the one that you will meet at the top Be wise and relate well with people today because your success depends on how well you manage them

Time is money

Time is the currency that God has given us to spend here on earth. Do not waste it on frivolity and pleasures of life but rather make it count by touching lives that get in contact with you.

Secret of Life

The secrets of greatness in life are written in books,give your self to reading books that correspond to your purpose in life and you are on the path of greatness.


Suicide is demonic Do not take your life no matter how loud the demon echo it to your hearing To die by suicide is to be cursed To die by suicide is to be under a spell You can't take your life now because it is not yet over for you even though devil tell you it is over but God said that is just the beginning To take your life is to cooperate with the devil to terminate your glorious destiny. You have a hope You have a destiny Devil knows your end is great and that is why he want you to end your life now. Whatever comes your way,laugh it out, talk it out,pass the burden, share the burden, encourage yourself Let not the devil deceive you that your situation is the worst, you still have your life, and that is an evidence that you will surely recover no matter the loss Do not take your life Because God will ask you why did you take it. Suicide is not an option for you.......because God will ask you.